Vectronix PLRF15 Pocket Laser Range Finder Black in Louisville, Kentucky For Sale
Price: $5,600
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
The Vectronix PLRF15 is a small, compact, lightweight handheld laser range finder, pure and simple. With the press of a button, the PLRF15 provides target range up to 3,000 meters. This capability in a small, lightweight, easy-to-use handheld allows users to multi-task while remaining in a constant state of readiness.
The Vectronix PLRF15 contains crystal-clear optics, operates in multiple environments, and is water resistant. And like all Vectronix products, the PLRF15 contains a Class I Eye-Safe Laser for unequivocal eye safety.
Manufacturer: Vectronix
Model: xxxx62
Condition: New
Availability: In Stock