Turning Point Express 10.125x12 Stainless 3-Blade Propeller Housing. in Louisville, Kentucky For Sale
Price: $164
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
Express Stainless Steel PropellerExpress stainless steel boat propellers define what a true high performance stainless prop should be. Express gives maximum overall performance boaters demand from a stainless steel propeller - Fast top end, quick acceleration and great holding ability. The best value of any stainless prop!
Manufacturer: Turning Point Propellers
Model: xxxxxxxx
Condition: New
Availability: In Stock
Source: http://www.manventureoutpost.com/products/Turning-Point-Express-10.125x12-Stainless-3%252dBlade-Propeller-Housing-for-15%252d30HP-Yamaha%7B47%7DHonda-Engines-w%7B47%7D-3%22-Gearcase-%xxxxxxxx10%29.html?google=1