Outback Glasses Amber/Black in Louisville, Kentucky For Sale
Price: $6
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
Radians Shooting Protection are the toughest shooting glasses you need to get the job done. These Shooting Glasses by Radians feature a tough construction and lightweight body, and will keep your eyes protected from flying debris. Features: - Optically correct and distortion free lens. - Provides 99.9% UV protection. - Meets or exeeds all ANSI Z87.1+ standards Specifications: - Provides 99.9% UV protection. - Amber Yellow Lens - Black Frame
Manufacturer: Radians
Model: xxxx4
Condition: New
Price: $6.xxxx
Availability: In Stock
Source: http://www.guystoreusa.com/outback-glasses-amber-black/