Humminbird SHS-7W TM Transducer (710002-1) in Louisville, Kentucky For Sale
Price: $80
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
Transom Mount TransducerTransom Transducers mount on the transom (back) of the boat in contact with the surface of the water. To prevent damage to the boat or transducer. Transom mount hardware is included with the transducer.Description: Transom mount transducer, 20 ft cable, 6 elements, 455 kHz, 7 pin connector.For Use With: 967c, Matrix 47 3D, 947c 3D, Wide 3D Vision, Wide 3D Vista, Wide 3D Paramount.
Manufacturer: Humminbird
Model: xxxx02-1
Condition: New
Availability: In Stock