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Cases like these have a sympathetic appeal which no righteous-minded citizen can withstand. Our inherent sense of justice insists that something should be done to prevent the occurrence at least in the future of any similar instances. We may well assume that the state which alone has the right to license people to operate automobiles at least upon the highways within its limits may withhold this right or at least impose within certain well-reorganized constitutional limits certain conditions precedent to the registration of automobiles. Compulsion of any kind, however, is never popular, is always difficult of enforcement, and often misses the desired result. Before thinking of so extreme a remedy, let us carefully consider whether we may not approximate the number of cases where the real evil exists, with the idea in mind, too, if the evil be not too great in extent, of suggesting some remedy less harsh than compulsion. Find low cost Kentucky Car Insurance quotes from the leading providers in your area. There is no sound reason why the principles of compulsory compensation insurance which have been so successfully applied with respect to industrial accidents cannot be applied with equal success to cases of injury and death arising from automobile accidents. Tersely put, my proposal is to compel every automobile owner to procure a policy of compensation insurance as a condition precedent to obtaining a license to drive an automobile upon the public streets and to pay a premium for such policy to an insurance fund to be used to compensate the victims of accidents arising from the operation of automobiles according to fixed schedules and without regard to fault.
Visit KY Department of Insurance for more info.
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