Bobby Long- Ode to Thinking Tour in Louisville, Kentucky For Sale
Type: Music instruments,
For Sale
- Private.
British singer-songwriter Bobby Long emerged from London?s club scene with a reputation for creating memorable songs inhabited by hauntingly poetic lyrics. Since relocating to New York, he has released two CDs of powerful original material: the first?A Winter Tale (xxxx)?an homage to his acoustic roots, while the second?Wishbone (xxxx)?bears a grittier sound that showcases his sorrow-filled voice and his stellar guitar playing.
Ode to Thinking, his third full album, marries his varied musical influences, resulting in
a strong collection of compelling new songs. Recorded in Austin, Texas, it was supported by a highly successful PledgeMusic campaign and had a worldwide released from Compass Records on August 7, xxxx.
State: Kentucky City: Louisville Category: Music instruments
Music instruments in Kentucky for sale
Music instruments in Kentucky for sale
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