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C-U! Bug Spray gets rid of bed bugs. in Louisville, Kentucky For Sale

Type: Furniture, For Sale - Private.

Get rid of the BED BUGS . . . NOT YOUR FURNITURE!
These parasites are easy to get but hard to get rid; No matter how clean you are...
Hiring Exterminators is costly and the chemicals used to eradicate them are toxic.
C-U! Bug Spray gets rid of the bed bugs.
It's a formulation of Natural and Non-Toxic Ingredients that kills them while you sleep and they emerge to feed. Yes, you can use this spray on your bed and sleep on it. Just ascertain you're not allergic to it.
Other products kill only what you see to spray and many consist of toxic chemicals.
Available on eBay: type "CUbugspray" in the Search engine to find all listings for this product.
1. The spray's residue repels them from your bed - preventing them to feed on you and thus starve them.
2. Crawling over these sprayed oils kills them. This can take minutes to hours to occur. Regardless, it works and this spray and its mode of action are a great recipe to exterminate these pests.
See: "Bed Bug Spray" page on Facebook to learn more About Bed Bugs and About this Product.
You will see Results from the onset of using this product and soon be done with these pests.
Please read the Feedback this product is receiving on eBay and on Facebook from users of this product.
"C-U!" Bug Spray
New Bedford, MA (USA)

State: Kentucky  City: Louisville  Category: Furniture
Furniture in Kentucky for sale

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