red and white standard parti poodles in Louisville, Kentucky For Sale
Type: Animals, For Sale - Private.
I have 6 pups that will be ready on valentines day. They are parti poodles. some are red and whites, apricot and white. I have 5 females and 1 males. De-claws removed and tails docked. they will be vet checked and come with a 1 yr health guarantee. Akc registered. Their father's father is Ukc champion and his brother is also a Ukc champion. Father of litter is expected to champion as well. Puppies will have their shots, vet checked and worming done before they leave our home. they are handled with tender loving care. They will be sold as pet quality not for breeding rights. The red should darken as they get older. I require a $250 deposit and will accept payments until puppy is paid for. I also provide shipping at extra cost to buyer. My pups are raised in my home with children and other dogs, big and small. I have started potty training them as well. the other dog posted are their fathers brother showing you the red and white. their pups usually go for $2k-xxxx. mine are much less.the puppies will be ready at valentines day. If interested please call me at 480-620-xxxx you can see my more info on my site which should be up shortly at