Male 8 month old Pit bull 200 in Louisville, Kentucky For Sale
Price: $200
Type: Animals,
For Sale
- Private.
I need to find a good home for my sweet 8 month Pit bull. He is very sweet and smart. He can do several tricks including sit,stay,shake,lay,play dead, up, and rollover. He loves all sorts of toys. He never barks or growls. He can be handled while eating. No aggression at all. Potty trained. He is just a wonderful dog.
I hate to be giving him away however I'm moving to where I can't take him.
I'm asking $200 for a small adoption fee. He will come will a xl dog crate, large pillow, dog food,treats,toys,flea spraywash,and shampoo.
He is up to date on all of his shots and has been neutered.
For serious inquiries please email or call