Boxer: An adoptable dog in Louisville, KY in Louisville, Kentucky For Sale
Roxie is two years old and was surrendered to an Indiana shelter because she was a little too energetic for her family. She is fully housebroken and crate trained. She is good with other dogs, cats are unknown. Roxie LOVES having another dog to play with. Roxie would do well in a home with children of any age. She is on the petite side, weighing just under 50 pounds. The only thing Roxie does not like is other dogs getting close to her food, and we will be working with her on this behavior. She would need to be fed either in her crate or away from other dogs. She does not mind if people take away or get close to her food. If you are looking for a happy go lucky female boxer, Roxie might just be the girl for you. Roxie is being fostered in Louisville, KY Adoption Donation: $260.00 If you would like to see more of me please visit my page and fill out the on-line adoption inquiry form at: ... Please visit our website at