Border Collie/Husky Mix: An adoptable dog in Louisville, CO in Louisville, Kentucky For Sale
Price: $100
Type: Animals,
For Sale
- Private.
50% Border Collie and 100% Cute!!! The "D"-pups (2 boys - Deke and Dano & 7 girls - Dayna, Dion, Della, Desi, Dori, Disco, and Dina) were born into rescue in mid February, their sweet as can be mother Darby was picked up as a very pregnant stray so nothing is known of her past. These happy little BC/Husky tikes are being foster along with mom in Ft. Collins, CO and will be available for adoption in mid April. The "D" pups adoption will include a $100 spay/neuter deposit; the deposit will be refunded once proof of spay/neuter is submitted (~ 6 months of age). Darby will be available for adoption after she is spayed (approx. late May). Please visit our website at